A Fast Track to Success for Graduating Seniors WEBINAR

Have you heard the news? In-demand, well-paid jobs in Ohio are going unfilled. Teens and families need information about these 21st century career options and how to gain the skills for the jobs. Join us online for this important discussion. Today’s students can fast track their success using postsecondary education options right in your area – at an Ohio Technical Center. All career technical programs are built on direct ties to business and industry. The skills a student learns can be immediately put to use! Join representatives from Ohio Technical Centers and At The Core for an informative 90-minute webinar to learn about a viable alternative to traditional college -- adult programs at Ohio’s technical centers.


ALL DISTRICT Looking Ahead™: Planning for Success in High School and Beyond WEBINAR (Grade 8)

8th grade parents, you have been invited to attend a unique, valuable, and free webinar to support your student as they transition to high school. Each year this presentation is wildly popular. You won't want to miss it! Beth Probst, founder and CEO of At The Core, has crafted a presentation of tips and tools to help you prepare your student for high school and the road ahead.


College Credit Plus: What Ohio Families Need to Know WEBINAR (Grades 6-11)

We field MANY questions about College Credit Plus, Ohio’s dual enrollment program. Let us help you get up to speed on how it works with our FREE webinar. As parents ourselves, we know firsthand that the choices our kids have during high school are complex. Take the time NOW to really get clear on College Credit Plus.


High School Scheduling: A Deep Dive Into the Options WEBINAR (Grades 8-11)

High school scheduling is around the corner. Students often aren’t aware or don’t fully understand the myriad of options available to them. As a parent, you want to provide them with good advice about their choices. You have questions: How can you support your child? (With knowledge! We can help.); What are all the options available? (There are more than you might think.); How do colleges view the classes your child takes?; How can you help your child achieve balance between their school life and everything else? Join our deep dive webinar to learn more.
